Blog Starter
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Now a days every special person or business corporation have its own familiarity and for so they use a personal website. We are not far from them. We are going to start create a free website fully free. Firstly we need to manage E-mail address. Blogger always request G mail. Without blogger you can sign up with any email address. E-mail for verify your permission, log in and use this service (like control, edit, delete design, change every thing under possible in farther. A lots of website creator and publisher available, but some of them are more easier and free for all. Today I will show some of them ......
Now click on Blogger for registration without G-mail registration is impossible . If you have already any G-mail account fill up G mail address and password, then click to create button. Unless create a new account by click here or click here for know more about how to create a Email account. After manage a G-mail account simply log in. From the new page click to New blog. Fill-up Blog title, Domain name (if unavailable change it until available) and chows a template from the list then press Create button.Now you have blog website. For know more about blogger Dashboard Click to this link. Click to this link for Design your blog.
Go to TrendyFlash website by click before link. Now view Trial Sign Up! button and press upon it. Now wright down your email adress and press the Submit button. Review your email and verify from the email link. Now design your website by chowsin a nice pattern and save to your FTP file.
Now a days every special person or business corporation have its own familiarity and for so they use a personal website. We are not far from them. We are going to start create a free website fully free. Firstly we need to manage E-mail address. Blogger always request G mail. Without blogger you can sign up with any email address. E-mail for verify your permission, log in and use this service (like control, edit, delete design, change every thing under possible in farther. A lots of website creator and publisher available, but some of them are more easier and free for all. Today I will show some of them ......
Perhaps you hared a very familiar name Blogger or Blogspot. It is the largest free website creator platform. It is one of the member of Google. So it is stronger and easier Blogspot provide you sub-domain website with hosting and unlimited bend-wide. Here each domain have own Dashboard (C-Panel). With the help of online dashboard you can fully control all of the elements like change Domain name , title, design etc. Moreover with only one account you can create a lots of website.
WordPress are also most popular free and SEO comfortable blog site creator. WordPress work only for free site create and so it provide sub-domain hosting, Design board and all of them are fully free. Here you can find a large online dashboard (C-Panel) with a lots of customization menu That menu help you to edit, d elite change, design and fully control your website. In the same time you can download WordPress CMS tools and install it in your computer for improve your website.
Weebly are also very interesting and familiar web designer and publisher platform. With this online web builder tools you can build up a blog or professional website. It provide you for up-great a full version by inviting your friends and family for use this service and publish there own website. Here you will get a sub-domain like and free hosting. In your dashboard you can see your account status in percent So try to up-great your account 100%. Its offer you for drag and drop for design. So it is more easier for any new user. Here a lots of template available for your website, so chows and use.
Easily register and get this freely. For registration go to the Weebly website, Wright down Full name, Email & Password then press Sign Up. It's Free! button. If registration will succes it will show your website or blog creator page. Now click to add site button and design it yourself.
Easily register and get this freely. For registration go to the Weebly website, Wright down Full name, Email & Password then press Sign Up. It's Free! button. If registration will succes it will show your website or blog creator page. Now click to add site button and design it yourself.
Wix are now a most popular site for free built website and publisher. Free hosting and free sub-domain are available in this site. You can registration here freely and built up your website. Some very nice pattern and template are also available for your website. Choose any of this and customize yourself. Design are very easy for new user, because of some easy menu are available for help you to design website. Drag and drop make it easier. After design you can publish your website freely. Before publish, Save your design. In the same time you can publish your wix website in Facebook page. So do not late to test this.
For get a wix website first click to this Wix. Now a flash page invite you for manage your website. So click to Start Now. A popup window will show. Here require your log in information. On top-right side Create new Account. Now wright down your E-mail address and password, then press the GO button. An e-mail will sent in your address and verify E-mail to start.
For get a wix website first click to this Wix. Now a flash page invite you for manage your website. So click to Start Now. A popup window will show. Here require your log in information. On top-right side Create new Account. Now wright down your E-mail address and password, then press the GO button. An e-mail will sent in your address and verify E-mail to start.
Welcome to trendy site builder. This is the title of this site. In first page you can notice some template pattern.with the help of this you can build Stunning Flash Website, Cool Facebook Pages, Awesome Mobile Websites and Live Spokesperson Website. Html 5 depended website and flash website provide by trendy flash. You do not have to know coading for build this. Only practice or knock to any dectator and easily build your modern website.
Go to TrendyFlash website by click before link. Now view Trial Sign Up! button and press upon it. Now wright down your email adress and press the Submit button. Review your email and verify from the email link. Now design your website by chowsin a nice pattern and save to your FTP file.
For registration Click on Wix and
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