Delete old windows folder from C or other drive

Open a Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
Run the following commands line by line, but in doing so, change "Z:\Program Files" to whatever you actually want to delete.

takeown /F "Z:\Program Files" /A /R /D Y
icacls "Z:\Program Files" /T /grant administrators:F
rmdir /s /q "Z:\Program Files"
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How to insert Cascade Style Sheet [CSS] code into HTML page

There are some way and some sector to use CSS . CSS mean Cascade Style Sheet. It help to design with colour, size, location and position.

To insert a separate CSS file you should follow the below rolls:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyles.css" media="screen" />

To embed CSS into the HTML follow the below instruction:

<style media="screen" type="text/css">
Add style rules here


Adding Inline CSS to HTML tags. For this follow the below tutorial:

<h2 style="color:red;background:black;">This is the red heading with a black background</h2>

Follow this way to import a CSS file from within CSS:

@import "newstyles.css";

It is the short only one code for use CSS. Stay with us to know more details.
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How to add JavaScript into HTML page

Just open a HTML file with any html editor software or notepad. You can use Notepad ++ for batter result. JavaScripts in HTML must be inserted between <script> and </script> tags.

JavaScripts can be put in the <body> and in the <head> section of an HTML page. To insert a JavaScript into an HTML page, use the <script> tag.
The <script> and </script> tells where the JavaScript starts and ends.
The lines between the <script> and </script> contain the JavaScript from the below  box:

<html><head><title>My Page</title>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function myFunction() {
          alert('Hello world');
<a href="javascript:myFunction();">Click here</a>

Since the head loads before the body, placing code in the head ensures that it is available when needed. For example, the following code will work once the page has completely loaded, but if a user manages to click the link before the function has loaded they will get an error. This can easily become an issue if the page is large or slow to load.

<html><head><title>My Page</title>

<a href="javascript:myFunction();">Click here</a>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function myFunction() {
                alert('Hello world');

Note: JavaScript can cause problems when used in tables. It may help to use JavaScript to create the entire table, or at least whole rows.
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Protect to block your Facebook id easily

It is sure now that all of us use Facebook (regular or irregular). Facebook is one of the largest social communication platform in the world. For maintenance and staying alone in the world it have some boundary and it call term and condition. As the rolls of Facebook suspend many person every hour for broken the rolls of user. Some one get permanently suspended from this social platform. Most of us had suspend at least one time. It is clearly on tell us in Licence agreement and term and condition. When any one open a new account in Facebook most of the time they left term and condition without reading and as a result they have no idea about term and condition.

Reason of Facebook id Block

Facebook is more strong with lots of subscriber and so they arrange for any user a friends book. So a strong subscriber have more friend in his or her friend book. For increasing friend subscriber invite another subscriber as friend. After accepting by invited subscriber both of them are mark as friend. By following this way anyone can make a long friend list. But it have also a bad effect. If invited person do not accept the friend request ant the non accepted request number touch fifty then Facebook want to checkup verification for confirm that the work is done by robots of not. After all this Facebook id turn into block list.

Solution of Facebook id Block

You can protect to block your Facebook id by controlling your friend request. When you request any person by pressing a button named as Request Friend, after request send this same button require to cancel friend request. But whenever left this page you cannot see the list of requested friend. After accepting you request a notification massage will show. But if not accept any notification never show.

There are some application to find out the list of requested friends and who are not accepted yet. It help to cancel the previous request.

Another best way is directly go to the below link and find out the list of requested friends. Easily any user can cancel the request by following this way. Just Click in to go to this link.

Before go to this link you should log in Facebook carefully.
Never use www and replace m. before facebook and then the upper link keep unchanged.

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Graphical text design free generator online

After a long time I want to write in my blog. I am sorry for long break. Now I will give all of my friends a new experience for writing style and format with some deferment location like Facebook post and blog post.

It can increase your performance in the field of friends. Some demo are available for review in below.
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