How to uninstall Photo app in Windows 10
In some case we need to uninstall any system application package from windows. To remove this application we need to go Apps & Features from settings. But this uninstall button disabled and can not uninstall this software at all.
Sometime we face error whenever we want to update system application and it return an error code again and again. For this issue fixing we need to uninstall this application and reinstall it again.
1) Close the Photos app if you currently have it open
2) In the the Cortana/Search Windows box type powershell
3) Click on ‘Windows PowerShell’ when it appears – right click on it and choose ‘Run as Administrator’
4) In the PowerShell window enter the following command (tip: copy and paste will save mistakes.
Sometime we face error whenever we want to update system application and it return an error code again and again. For this issue fixing we need to uninstall this application and reinstall it again.
Today we will be learn how to uninstall windows system application package.
I will be glad to help you with the issue you have with the computer. I understand the frustration when things don't work the way it should.
Please follow the below steps to know how to uninstall Photo App in Windows 10:
2) In the the Cortana/Search Windows box type powershell
3) Click on ‘Windows PowerShell’ when it appears – right click on it and choose ‘Run as Administrator’
4) In the PowerShell window enter the following command (tip: copy and paste will save mistakes.
Get-AppxPackage *photo* | Remove-AppxPackage
A ‘Deployment operation progress …’ message will temporarily appear. When this goes the uninstall has finished.
You can use any package name to uninstall any application like as below. It's recommend to replace package name from "Mictosoft.Windows.Photos" to your desire package name.
get-appxpackage -allusers *Microsoft.Windows.Photos* | remove-appxpackage
The Photos app will now be gone and the Windows Photo Viewer will now be used to open your images.
Install application package in windows 10 again. Run this command again in Windows PowerShell
Add-AppxPackage -register appxmanifest.xml_file_path -DisableDevelopmentMode
Need to reinstall an application without uninstall and reinstall run this command inside power shell
Add-AppxPackage -register "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\PackageFullName\appxmanifest.xml" -DisableDevelopmentMode
If this command not work insert this following command to reinstall all default app again
Get-AppxPackage -allusers | foreach {Add-AppxPackage -register "$($_.InstallLocation)\appxmanifest.xml" -DisableDevelopmentMode}
To have complete guide about install Photo app in Windows 10 click for go...
Hope this information is helpful. Please post in case you have any further issues, we are happy to help you further.
Hope this information is helpful. Please post in case you have any further issues, we are happy to help you further.
Thank you.