Blog page navigation widget with page number
Have you a Blog site? If answer is no, you can make a blog website easily. For establish your blog as a success blogger you should follow the the way of best service for it's visitors. According to this way you can add page navigation button into your blog. It will notify your visitor about the past position and can run the post field easily. It can be in deference visual location. So you can chose the style and custom generate the navigation button. Go for custom generate the navigation button.
Every blog template have this widget by default. But the default page navigation menu are in simple format. In the same time it is most popular widget. No need to follow difficult process. Follow below instruction very easily.
How to setup this widget
First of all decide and chose the style from view preview. Now customize the text button of you can use default word for the button. That's mean "Prev" and "Next" button's name renamed. You can also defined the post number per page. According to this number your all post will be divide or organised into your blog. After all customization press the button Generate and a new button will be shown named as Add to Blogger. This button help you to quick add this widget into your blog. For farther customization press Default button.
Follow the same way to use related widget from the below pattern.
Number Page navigation widget
For any simply blog you can use this kind of blog navigation widget. You can depend with this for firster website load. It is a simply java script and html structure. If you want to get this widget follow below instruction and easily use this.
Customize Blog Navigation Widget
Follow the HTML code. Here two peramite are using and the are:var postperpage=5 & var numshowpage=3
You can change the value as your own. First peramite use for the post number per page and the second peramite use for the number of navigation button show for first navigation.
Solution for navigation bar
If this widget do not work properly follow the below instruction:Find the following html code.
This value 5 mean the post number per page. You can customize this as your mind.
For ferther information stay with us and any comment for any problem.