The most beautiful And High Spead car....... SSC Aeiro.

It is one of the Chalenging car in the world. It's bound with favourit shap smart design, fantuche colour and high spead.
Once a time America decleir about the invantion of most speady car in the world. By hairing this world lough for a moment.
After some days America intruduce the World with a new motion. This is SSC Aeiro.Its formate is not she same of another car engine.

It's use dual Selindar pipe for gass output. But for high spead it's nead more oxizen. When gass flow it reactive some fans which gather
more energy  to collect more oxizen for high spead. the power of terbo engine 468 horse which can satisfy fir high spead.
Spead from 0 km/h to 100 km/h rising nead only 10.8 second. In a long road it race first our 315 km and second hour 310 km. in avareg it can run 313km/hour . The preveous spead record in the world was 287 kl/hour. But SSC Aeiro easyly break this World record With the spead of 313 km/h.
Spead from 320-400 Driver fell an extra prasure insite of the car. This car not for newer driver at all. For drive it, you must have to long experience mustly.
The price of his car like this degite  600000 in US Dolar.