How To create & Control FTP sever in windows xp and other version
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the safe way to transfer file from one computer to another computer by Internet. Originally all transferable file stay on a computer store drive and a FTP server software run in this computer. Remote computer can be connect with the server computer and can transfer file between them. FTP server is like as HTTP server & both of them use Internet Protocol (IP). FTP is run for file transfer and HTTP for web interface. You can use Internet Information Service (IIS) as FTP by configuration. With the help of this you can use your storage as a hosting server and anyone can use this according to your permission.
A useful tutorial are below. This tutorial will work in windows xp professional, Tablet PC edition, Media Center edition, server 2003 & 2000. All step are follow this tutorial. Windows XP home edition need a third-party software for run FTP server. In IIS system on a non server edition you can connect maximum 10 connection and can use under 2 GB data.
First of all you need a windows log on account which are password protected.
Click to Start and go Control Panel , open Add or Remove a Program and select Add/Remove Windows Components.
Now select Internet Information Service (ISS) and open Details. For windows server 2003 select Application server and click Details.
Into the Internet information service (IIS) you can see File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server and check the box and now press OK.
Now click Next button and it require a windows CD.
After finishing IIS installation go to Control Panel again.
Change the view mode as Classic View and open administrative tools and click to Internet Information Service.
Expend the tree and open Your computer Name(local Computer) like MS1 (local computer) and then FTP Site as the same way.
Right click the Default FTP Site and view Properties.
Select the Security Accounts tab and uncheck Allow Anonymous Connections .
If you want to give permission to wright all user please put a trick into wright box to the home directory tab. Have you use windowes default Firewall or any third party firewall, you need to open port 21 for allow user to connect with server.
Now you need to create FTP folder into root directory. The FTP root dedicatory path is C:\inetpub\ftproot
You must need to create a folder into FTP root dedicatory and user can use this and all sub folder.
Go again to Administrator Tools > Internet Information Service. For Windows Xp you can also right click on My Computer and view Manage and go to Service and Application node.
Open FTP Site node from the node from your computer node. Right click to FTP Site node then New > Virtual Directory.
Now give a new name and attach the ftp root folder directory. For control permission of FTP file click read and access permission and next to finish.
Open the FTP site node From Computer Management > Service & Application. Now open Default FTP Site node. Now right click to the root folder name and view properties. Now go to security tab and add user and modify permission to control files. After all accessible permission edition press OK and close all window. Now Enjoy......
For any problem and get solution and know more comment us. InshaAllah proper solution will publish in near future...
A useful tutorial are below. This tutorial will work in windows xp professional, Tablet PC edition, Media Center edition, server 2003 & 2000. All step are follow this tutorial. Windows XP home edition need a third-party software for run FTP server. In IIS system on a non server edition you can connect maximum 10 connection and can use under 2 GB data.
First of all you need a windows log on account which are password protected.
Now select Internet Information Service (ISS) and open Details. For windows server 2003 select Application server and click Details.
Into the Internet information service (IIS) you can see File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server and check the box and now press OK.
Now click Next button and it require a windows CD.
After finishing IIS installation go to Control Panel again.
Expend the tree and open Your computer Name(local Computer) like MS1 (local computer) and then FTP Site as the same way.
Right click the Default FTP Site and view Properties.
Select the Security Accounts tab and uncheck Allow Anonymous Connections .
If you want to give permission to wright all user please put a trick into wright box to the home directory tab. Have you use windowes default Firewall or any third party firewall, you need to open port 21 for allow user to connect with server.
Creat Folder FTP
Now you need to create FTP folder into root directory. The FTP root dedicatory path is C:\inetpub\ftproot
You must need to create a folder into FTP root dedicatory and user can use this and all sub folder.
Configer root & folder in FTP
First time you need to create folder on the FTP root directory named it yourself like--- C:\inetpub\ftproot\server where the FTP folder is seen as Server.Go again to Administrator Tools > Internet Information Service. For Windows Xp you can also right click on My Computer and view Manage and go to Service and Application node.
Open FTP Site node from the node from your computer node. Right click to FTP Site node then New > Virtual Directory.
Now give a new name and attach the ftp root folder directory. For control permission of FTP file click read and access permission and next to finish.
Configuration Permission
Open the FTP site node From Computer Management > Service & Application. Now open Default FTP Site node. Now right click to the root folder name and view properties. Now go to security tab and add user and modify permission to control files. After all accessible permission edition press OK and close all window. Now Enjoy......
For any problem and get solution and know more comment us. InshaAllah proper solution will publish in near future...